Virtual and augmented reality are fascinating, but admittedly confusing subjects. This can be particularly true for those who are only just beginning to learn about these concepts. Chances are, you read or heard something about Google Glass a year or two ago. While Google Glass was not quite as successful as Google would have liked, there is no question that virtual reality and augmented reality are continuing to achieve breakthroughs. The momentum for these concepts is not likely to slow down anytime soon.
To get a sense of this, you only need to take a look at some of the connected tools that are currently available to designers.
While it is true that 3D design has been around for a little while now, AR/VR are relatively newcomers to the scene. As a result of this fact, 3D design has gone into some truly exciting territory. As time goes on, you can expect things to only get more exciting.
For now, consider the following top 5 connected tools for designers:
1.CreoPop 3D Cordless Printing Pen: The great thing about a tool like this is that it’s fairly affordable, given what it can accomplish. With the simple push of a button, you will have the ability to create your own 3D objects. Even better, this product is battery-powered, which means you don’t have to worry about cords.
2.Maya: This element to the Autodesk suite of 3D modeling software allows Mac-based designers to work with a plethora of features and options. Rigging and animation workflows are particularly impressive within Maya. The integration features for Maya are well worth getting excited about, as well.
3.Blender: This open-source 3D modeling app is a fantastic mean for getting your feet wet in the worlds of virtual reality and augmented reality.
4.Unity: If you are serious about working as a virtual reality or augmented reality designer, then you’re going to want to get very serious about Unity. Every major platform that is currently in play is also currently supporting the Unity interaction engine. Definitely worth learn more about everything Unity brings to the table.
5.Leap Motion SDK: Once you start messing around with virtual reality and augmented reality, you’re going to find yourself with the intense desire to touch, move, and otherwise manipulate the items you are working on. Through Leap Motion SDK, you will have the ability to do exactly that. Combining a Leap Motion controller with the Leap Motion Unity SDK download, you’re going to be able to interact with your work on a truly impressive level. Something like this can go a long way towards showing you what the future of virtual reality and augmented reality will involve.
The future within the VR/AR universe is extraordinary, even from a speculative point of view. New design tools are coming out all the time