A continuation of the Star Wars movies, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is set 30 years after Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Not only have they brought back many, if not all, of the original cast, but this is the first film that Disney is creating. This action packed movie is sure to keep you hanging on every scene and will be an enjoyable addition to the previous Star Wars movies that have been made. This amazing movie is due to hit theatres soon and will certainly have you picking up as much merchandise as possible.
Sphero BB-8
This adorable figure is your own personal BB-8 and possesses an attitude of his very own. Controlled by your smart phone, BB-8 is said to adapt as you interact with him and can reach 100ft away before he stops reacting to your instruction. This R/C toy is intended for kids 8 and up, but it is certain that more people will be flocking to the stores to pick him up. With voice reaction and remote control, everyone will love this little toy robot.
The Sphero BB-8 will be available on pre-order on Wellbots from November, 4th, and will be shipped early December.
Air Hogs Millennium Falcon Drone from Disney
Everyone wants a Millennium Falcon of their very own, and now you can have one. Air Hogs helped to produce and design his amazing quadcopter that looks exactly like the Millennium Falcon that fans can recognize. This drone is remote controlled like many other quadcopters on the market, and will be a lot of fun for the whole family. Even the controller has an R2D2 on it along with propellers to add to its fun look and feel
Hasbro presents Furbacca which is a hybrid Furby and Chewbacca toy that is great for any new Star Wars fan. This fuzzy Chewbacca sing songs from the Star Wars movies and speaks Wookiee to keep your kids entertained while training them to be fans of the movies that you probably grew up watching. So your little Hans Solo or Leila can keep a Wookiee with them where ever they go.
Kylo Ren Lightsaber
Every kid needs a lightsaber, and Kylo Ren’s lightsaber will likely be the next popular lightsaber next to Darth Vader’s. This awesome kid’s toy makes sounds through motion via a motion sensor on the lightsaber, and will certain provide hours of imaginary play for any young kid. Now you and your little Star Wars fans can play pretend together while you teach them about the Force.
While there are many amazing products being derived from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and we certainly cannot list them all here, they will provide you and your family with hours of fun and enjoyment. The Star Wars series is one of the most iconic movie collections of all time and have been beloved by a wide array of people for so long. These toys and the newest movie will not only allow you to bring our newest generation into an interest that many adults already have, but will give you something to share as they grow. Disney already plans to release 3 Star Wars movies, The Force Awakens only being the first.